"If you want unreasonable results, sometimes you have to be unreasonable."
One of my favorite things about my 22 years working with Dave Ramsey was his natural ability to capture powerful ideas in just a few words. You've no doubt heard some of Dave's famous quotes on The Dave Ramsey Show. But some of his best one -liners came during critical moments in our board meetings and I always jotted them down so I could remember them. Dave kept us on our toes but he also kept us laughing and inspired with his powerful words. Here are some of my fav Dave quotes you've never heard:
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." ~ Dave quoting his pastor
"Identifying the real problem is 90% of the solution." ~ Dave quoting his dad
"Single events and silver bullets have never brought us to where we are."
"Processes change. Principles and philosophies don't change."
"What you focus on is what happens."
"When you focus on one thing, it means you don't do other things."
"If you sit on your butt, other people will direct your life."
If you don't hit your goal, you are far from a failure."
"It never hurts to have a million dollars laying around."
"It's hard to be gentle if you're weak."
"Sometimes Hail Marys get intercepted."
"You can't sprint a marathon."
"It always works out the right way when you refuse to do it the wrong way."
"We've been riding an alligator with a saddle and it's just a matter of time before he turns around and eats us!" (this one made me laugh out LOUD during a serious conversation)
"When you start taking a poll on your principles from your critics, that's the DNA of your failure."